We sky-rocket your

Cactive is a social enterprise that works to supercharge your workflow, business, health and lifestyle.
We also specialise in helping businesses grow and prosper through our cost-efficient multi-dimensional agency.

Learn about our transformation initiative within the recipe industry.

We're venturing into the recipe industry with melt.recipes, building a cookbook social platform, and tools for institutions to transform learning experiences using AI and creative tools to fuse recipes and engage.

7 day free trial

Melt Ultimate & Enterprise Edition

Supercharge your Melt experience to the next level and get access to exclusive features and benefits. We can also help you if you're looking to integrate Melt Recipes into your business with our enterprise edition.

Melt Recipes Image

Our commitment to deliver environmentally friendly cloud computing.

Cactive are committed to delivering business outcomes putting the environment first, maintaining performance and optimising for energy efficiency through ARM chips in employee laptops and servers. We're already a paperless company and are developing ways to ensure that power is sustainably generated and resources are allocated efficiently on CactiveCloud, including powering up machines for additional scaling when necessary.


We can’t do it alone

We have an ambitious road ahead, and we’re looking for people to join our flourished Australian team to help shape the future of Cactive.